

Monday, January 9, 2012

Another Day, Another Mile

So, I did get up and go for a run with my Team In Training friends yesterday.  We ran for 4 miles.  That was my first 4 miler since getting pregnant with my twins. 

I did a little bit of pumping just before heading out the door to make sure Prince Charming would be able to calm the boys before I got back if they woke up.  But it wasn't a full feeding for them, since I had just fed them.

Getting out of the house by myself two days in a row was, let's just say...AWESOME!!  After four months of non-stop craziness and being the sole caregiver, I guess I really needed to just be a "normal" human being for a while. 

The running part was pretty hard.  This was my third day in a row of running...a fete I had not yet accomplished up until this point.  And on top of it being the third day in a row, it was also the 4 miles that made it quite challenging.  I have always found that the first mile or two is tough...no matter how great of shape I am in.  So, naturally, yesterday's first two were hard.  Of course, there is the huffing and puffing that are Ridiculous.  But then, I also have the pain in my knees, my ankles, and my hips to contend with...all of which come from excess weight, the pregnancy's extra weight, and not exercising in forever.  Of all of the miles, I guess the third wasn't as bad as the others, but the 4th mile was pretty rough.  Luckily, the other people running with me are in a similar situation (not in the best shape), and so we were all feeling the challenge!  It helps so much to have other people suffer through it right along beside you!  Misery loves company!

But the worst of all of the pain I am currently experiencing on this journey back to fitness, is the pain I have in my pubic bone.  I hope I won't be cited for improper language on here for saying that.  The thing is that I would like other moms to know what it is like to come back to running and fitness after having a baby (or two).  And this pain is very real.  It is there all.day.long...whether I am walking, running, or laying down.  And now that I am starting to be able to increase my mileage, it seems to be a bit more painful.  Uuuuggh!  I just want my body back!

I have a body pillow that I sleep with at night for the hip pain and discomfort when my knees are touching as I lay on my side.  But that exacerbates the pain I have in my pubic bone right now.  It feels like the bone is going to split apart and break in two!  At the end of my pregnancy, I had started having this same pain from the weight of the boys on my body, but I guess I just figured it would go away once they were born.  I guess not.  I am thinking of heading to my Chiropractor for an adjustment.  I wonder if he could crack my hips in just the right way to put everything all back to normal.  Yes, my Chiropractor is a magician, too.  :)

Other than the aches and pains in my joints and bones, though, today I feel alright.  I don't have a ton of muscle soreness...a few tweaks here and there, but that's about it.  I am planning on taking today off from running, but possibly doing a little weight-lifting with the free weights I have at home...we shall see how I feel and how the boys are doing as the day progresses.  I wrote a separate post on the boys today...it's a funny one...check it out. :)

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